The method of bio-metallurgy is capable of converting insoluble phosphate resources into water or citric acid soluble ones. 利用生物冶金的方法,将不溶性磷源转化为水溶性或枸溶性磷源,从而提供了一条利用低品位磷矿的新途径。
In spite of its high content of citric acid soluble nutrient ingredients, the K-and-Si-rich compound is low in available nutrient. Its high content of nutrients will only be released slowly. 富钾硅复合物中硅、钾、钙、镁养分的可溶性含量很高,但其有效态的养分含量却相对较低,故其养分只能缓慢地释放出来。
Citric Acid decrease the soluble sugar content. 柠檬酸降低了辣椒可溶性糖含量。
Citric Acid, Levulinic Acid and Organic Acid Potassium fertilizer increase the Vc content, soluble sugar content, starch content, the edible part and the color value, decrease the crude fiber content. 柠檬酸、乙酰丙酸和有机酸钾处理增加了Vc含量、可溶性糖含量、淀粉含量、辣椒可食部分比例和色价,降低了粗纤维含量。